The Swan
by Elizabeth Egloff
July 2024, Theatre L’Acadie
Directed by Erin Sheets
Scenic Design - Brandii Champagne
Costume Design - Ben Mills
Lighting Design - Sam Anderson
Sound Design - Santiago Quintana
Prop Design - Al Joritz
Technical Director - Sam Riehl
Dramaturg - Brandon Wright
Stage Manager - Katie Dreher
ASM - Jimena Ramirez
Production Manager - Sam Hurwitz
Dora - Brandii Champagne
Kevin - Jordan Gleaves
The Swan - Kevin Blair
Dora U/S - Annika Andersson
Kevin U/S - Antonio Cruz
The Swan U/S - Noah Lash
Director’s Note
When we dreamed about what to do next, we dreamed of making The Swan. As Theatre L’Acadie dove into the vibrant undercurrent of Chicago theatre back in 2019, this play became an obsession, an inside joke, a shared secret that bound us. Afterall, theatre is built on these unearthed treasures – scripts that burrow their way into you. So here we are, unveiling The Swan. What was once a fever dream is now a fever reality. We made it for us and we made it for you.
The Swan is about a lot of things, but the making of The Swan is about a lot more. We find ourselves in a time where uncertainty hangs heavy and the act of creating art feels equal parts necessary and absurd. More than ever, it's the stories we tell together, the laughter and tears shared in the dark, that truly matter. As societal pressures mount, The Swan compels us to consider the cages we build for ourselves, and to take a longer look at their bars.
The Swan explores the psyche of a woman in captivity- of a world in which society and nature is pulling her in two. In a world obsessed with binaries, The Swan whispers a third option, that when one door closes (and another, and another…) we must open a window.
Thank you for your support of Theatre L’Acadie’s The Swan, as we invite you to explore the depths of human yearning, and perhaps, to discover a hidden window to freedom of your own.